Mobile Marketing Text Brief

Each week I send out the Mobile Marketing Brief via email and now I am excited to announce that I am also going to be doing a Mobile Marketing TEXT Brief – a weekly text message about mobile marketing. It will be a tip or an idea that you can use when implementing your campaigns.

Using your cell phone, send a text message to this number 95495.
The body of the message should contain only this word – kimdushinski – my name with no spaces.

You will receive back within a minute a welcome message that will let you know you have subscribed. You can unsubscribe at any time by simply sending another message to the same number (95495). That message should say – STOP KIMDUSHINSKI. (You don’t have to use all caps)


  • You will get no more than one tip message from me per week.
  • I may also send you one additional special announcement (related to mobile marketing) each week.
  • I live in Mountain Time and will send the message between 9 am and 3 pm my time.

There is no charge for this message from me, however, standard text message rates may apply. If you have a text message plan each message you receive from me will count against your allotted messages. If you don’t have a text message plan you will be billed for this message from your cell phone company – usually around 15 to 20 cents per message.